Guth, Hans Paul, 1926-'s books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Concise English handbook1965
2.The tools of English1975
3.The World of English1975
4.The World of English1975
5.Words and ideas : a handbook for college writing1959
6.The literary heritage1981
7.Words and ideas : a handbook for college witing1969
8.English today and tomorrow : a guide for teachers of English1965
9.New concise handbook1991
10.Concise English handbook1977
11.The uses of language1975
12.Idea & image : reading for college English1962
13.You the writer : writing, reading, thinking1997
14.New English handbook1985
15.Concise English handbook1969
16.Discovering your world1981
17.Teaching English today : an in-service guide prepared for use with American English today1970
18.Words and ideas1964
19.Words and ideas : a handbook for college writing1969